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Why Have My Clear Aligners Changed Colors?

June 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilesbypalmer @ 5:27 am
Someone with clear aligners

Clear aligners distinguishes itself from traditional braces in all kinds of ways, one of which is the freedom that it gives you. The fact that clear aligners are removable means that you can eat and drink whatever you want, so long as you take your trays off beforehand.

However, that freedom also comes with a level with responsibility when it comes to cleaning. For example, you might find that your aligners have become discolored after a while of wearing them. Here’s why that could be, and what you can do about it.

Why Are My Clear Aligners Turning Yellow?

Clear aligners are just like your teeth, in that they can become discolored if they collect too many stains. It’s also possible for plaque deposits to accumulate on your trays and harden into tartar, at which point it may cause them to change color.

f you’ve noticed that your trays have changed color in the time that you’ve been wearing them, there are two main reasons that this could be: either you’re eating/drinking with your aligners on, allowing them collect stains, or you’re not cleaning your teeth thoroughly enough before you put your trays back on after meals.

What Do I Do?

In many cases, your best move is to just wait until you get your next set of trays. While it may be possible to brush away some of the plaque and stains on your trays, if you try to “power wash” your aligners with hot water or harsh cleansers you’ll likely damage them.

How to Keep Clear Aligners Clean

If you want to prevent your trays from changing colors, it’s important to be proactive. To keep your clear aligners clean, rinse them with lukewarm water every time you remove them. Brush them gently with a soft toothbrush and clear, non-abrasive soap to remove any buildup. Avoid using toothpaste as it can be abrasive. Soak them daily in cleaning crystals or a denture cleaner to eliminate bacteria and odors. Avoid eating or drinking anything other than water while wearing them, and brush and floss your teeth before reinserting the aligners to maintain oral hygiene. Store them in their case when not in use to prevent loss or damage.

Keep these tips in mind and your trays will stay shining throughout the course of your treatment.

About Our Practice

At Cartwright & Palmer Orthodontics, we want patients of all ages to truly love their smile. Whether you need clear aligners or traditional braces, we’ll work hard to make sure that the treatment that you receive is perfectly suited to you. That’s the best way to know that, at the end of all of your hard work, you’ll get the straight smile of your dreams!

If you have any questions about maintaining your clear aligners, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (724) 942-5130.

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