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4 Tips to Addressing Common Problems Brought On By Braces

July 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilesbypalmer @ 6:30 pm
female patient with braces seeing an orthodontist

Wearing metal braces has its advantages. Their ability to produce straighter teeth and healthier smiles makes them a time-tested solution that orthodontists continue to rely on when treating patients with crooked, crowded, misaligned, and gapped teeth. However, their design can cause problems for some individuals. If you are struggling with discomfort, sensitivity, or another similar issue, read on to discover 4 things you can do to ensure a more enjoyable orthodontic experience.

Tip #1: Invest in Orthodontic Wax

One of the most common problems you might experience while wearing braces is irritation to the soft tissues inside your mouth. The protruding metal brackets can rub against your cheeks, lips, or tongue, causing sores to form.

As your mouth adjusts, this problem should gradually go away; however, if you want to alleviate any discomfort, you should invest in orthodontic wax, which you can get from your orthodontist or at a local pharmacy. Placing it over the bracket(s) will create a protective layer so that your mouth no longer suffers any damage.

Tip #2: Maintain Six-Month Dental Checkups and Cleanings

Cavities can be a problem while wearing braces, especially since cleaning around brackets and wires can be more difficult. Your orthodontist will likely recommend additional products to help improve your at-home oral hygiene routine. If you want to reduce your risk of tooth decay, don’t skip your regularly scheduled dental checkups and cleanings.

These visits allow your dentist to thoroughly examine and clear away accumulated plaque and tartar so that your teeth remain healthy during orthodontic treatment.

Tip #3: Practice Patience When Speaking

It is normal to develop a slight speech impediment when having your braces put on. Your tongue, lips, and teeth need to adjust to the new appliances inside your mouth, so you may pronounce certain words or sounds differently than before.

This might be frustrating for a while, especially if you have a child in school or you are a working professional, but it requires patience. Over time, the impediment will dissipate (within a few days or weeks), and you will sound normal again.

A few tips that can help speed up this adjustment include:

  • Reading aloud to yourself or family/friends
  • Singing in the shower
  • Practicing certain words, phrases, or sounds while standing in front of a mirror

Tip #4: Keep Your Orthodontist’s Number on Hand

Should you discover that you have a broken archwire, you’ll want to make sure to call your orthodontist and schedule an immediate appointment. The wire may poke your gums, cheeks, tongue, or lips, causing irritation. If this happens, you can apply orthodontic wax to the tip of the wire so that it does not harm your soft tissues.

Your orthodontist will examine the problem and recommend an appropriate solution to not only ensure the issue does not happen again but also prevent any future delays.

Countless patients wear braces and experience few if any problems throughout treatment. However, if you do, don’t be afraid to follow these tips and call your orthodontist. It’s the best way to avoid a pause in treatment and keep your smile on track.

About the Author
Dr. Nicholas Palmer is a board-certified orthodontist who received his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from West Virginia University before completing an orthodontic residency and earning his Master of Science in Orthodontics from the West Virginia University School of Dentistry. If you are currently wearing braces but need help to create a more comfortable experience, visit our website or call (724) 942-5130.

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