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My Teeth Feel Loose – Are My Braces Making Them Fall Out?

September 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilesbypalmer @ 9:51 pm
Woman with braces panicking because her teeth feel loose

You might have heard from your peers that metal braces can come with some “interesting” sensations. But after your latest dental appointment, your teeth really feel like they’re going to fall right out! Are your orthodontics wiggling them loose?

Take a deep breath – there’s no cause for alarm in this scenario. Keep reading to learn more about what’s going on with your pearly whites and why you shouldn’t worry.

The Physics Behind Braces

Traditional braces use metal wires, brackets, elastics, and sometimes other accessories to gradually ease your teeth into straighter alignments. Your teeth wouldn’t move if the wires were slack, though. To get them to straighten out, your orthodontist has to pull the wires taunt, tightening them at specific intervals to encourage them to shift into place. Basically, your teeth are in fact wiggling, but it’s all part of the process!

Oral Moving and Shaking

Human teeth don’t exist as disconnected units. In other words, they’re not free-floating along your gumline! They have dental roots that anchor them through your gums and down to your jawbone. Surrounding this structure are also ligaments and other connective tissue. So what happens to the anatomy around your teeth as they move?

Well, it all has to adjust, too. Your jawbone in particular has to undergo a dramatic transformation that involves breaking down to make room for new dental positions and rebuilding itself to provide stability. There are literally a lot of moving parts, so it’s no wonder your teeth feel loose!

When in Doubt, Contact Your Orthodontist

Mobile teeth are a normal part of the straightening process. Hopefully this knowledge brings you some peace of mind, but if you still have concerns or thought of other questions, your orthodontist can help. They want your treatment to go as smoothly as you do and would be happy to assist you with any roadblocks or worries you encounter along the way. Whenever you’re in doubt about your oral health, give your friendly-neighborhood orthodontist a call!

About the Practice

Dr. Gary Cartwright and Dr. Nicholas Palmer are accomplished orthodontists who are passionate about their patients. They know how alarming some braces sensations can be, and don’t want you to worry when you don’t have to! If something seems off with your treatment or you’d simply like clarification about the straightening process, don’t hesitate to give them a call. To contact their office, dial 724-942-5130.

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