Smiles by Palmer Orthodontics Blog

5 Must-Know Tips For Finding The Best Orthodontist For You

January 31, 2021

Woman researching orthodontists on laptop in apartment

Today, if we have a question about anything from how to take care of a plant to how to make a healthy dinner, there is one place everyone turns: Google. So, when beginning the hunt for the right orthodontist to help you transform your smile, it’s natural to start by typing “orthodontist near me” into the search bar. However, after looking through pages and pages of search results, you may be wondering what exactly it is that you are looking for. To make the research process significantly less anxiety-inducing, here are a few tips to help!


Covid-19: Here’s How to Handle the Current Situation

March 24, 2020

Closeup of boy smiling with bracesDuring the Covid-19 outbreak, all dentists and orthodontists are closed for nonessential treatments. However, your orthodontist is still accepting emergency cases during this time to keep you healthy and safe. They have also included some important information about how to recognize the Coronavirus, how to minimize your risk, and what you should do if you’re having an orthodontic emergency. Keep reading to learn more about Covid-19 as well as how your orthodontist can still help you smile.


The Surprising Importance of Orthodontics for Kids

February 19, 2020

Girl in pink shirt smiling with braces

March is a time where snow begins to melt away and the sun starts shining. However, it also marks National Children’s Dental Health Month—an effort to spread awareness about the importance of oral healthcare for kids. In this spirit, your orthodontist in McMurray wants you to understand just how vital it is that your son or daughter gets braces when necessary. Keep reading to see how braces can give your child much more than an attractive smile.


Surviving Halloween With Braces

October 29, 2019

sheet ghost longboardingIn your teens, there are three main ways to satisfy your sweet tooth during Halloween: pick from the candy bowl at home while also passing it out, take your little siblings trick-or-treating and then snag a few of your favorites, or go trick-or-treating with friends. The only problem is, you don’t want to break a bracket or wire on your braces, because that will only set your treatment timeline back, and you’re really looking forward to getting them off. It’s best to avoid certain types of candy that could damage or harm your braces, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy any of the sweets or festivities. Read on to find out everything you need to know about taking care of your orthodontic appliance during the holidays. (more…)

6 Tips to Relieve Braces Pain

September 20, 2019

girl with braces pain

If you have braces, you have to see your orthodontist often for checkups. At these appointments, your orthodontist will adjust the wire that goes around your arch to align your teeth. Sometimes this procedure can result in mild discomfort or pain. Don’t worry, this is completely normal. Let’s look at 6 helpful tips to ease the pain of getting your braces tightened.


Why an Orthodontic Visit is Important Before School Starts

August 8, 2019

young girl smiling wearing bracesAt this time of the year, it’s likely that you’re busy running errands and making any last-minute purchases before school starts. In the midst of making the final preparations, your dentist in McMurray says don’t forget about your child’s oral health. If he or she is around the age of seven, then it’s a good idea to schedule an orthodontic visit before the new school year starts. Therefore, if there are any bite issues that need to be corrected, your child’s orthodontic dentist can develop a plan of action before the new semester gets underway.


An Orthodontist in McMurray Advises What to Do if You’ve Swallowed Your Braces Bracket

July 12, 2019

person covering their mouth in shockEveryone knows orthodontic treatments come with their own unique problems, but you never thought you’d say the words “I need help! I just swallowed part of my braces.” How do you even go about solving that obscure of a problem? Who do you go to for help? How does that even happen in the first place? An orthodontist in McMurray is setting out to answer all of your braces-swallowing questions. Read on to get the lowdown on what to do in case of an orthodontic emergency. (more…)

Protect Your Smile – Get a Free Mouthguard When You Get Braces in Bethel Park!

April 11, 2019

Teenage boy wearing braces

Most people aren’t aware that they need to wear a mouthguard while they’re in braces. But it’s actually even more important than usual to protect your teeth and gums during orthodontic treatment! After all, you don’t want to spend time and effort to straighten your smile, only to knock out a tooth or sustain another injury. At Cartwright Orthodontics, we’re so convinced of the value of a mouthguard that we provide one at no charge for every patient when they get braces in Bethel Park. Find out more below about how mouthguards prevent injuries and which type of mouthguard is the most effective!


Here’s What to Expect When Wearing Braces in Bethel Park

March 10, 2019

woman smiling wearing metal bracesFor people living with misaligned, crooked, gapped or crowded teeth, braces in Bethel Park provide the most effective way of correcting their bite. What should be expected, though, throughout the treatment process? A local orthodontist answers that and other frequently-asked questions so you can plan accordingly and prepare to enjoy a beautiful new smile!


Metal or Clear Braces in Bethel Park – Which Type is Better?

February 6, 2019

woman smiling wearing clear bracesYou have some bite flaws that need to be corrected, but you have somewhat of a dilemma: you don’t know much about the available methods. Two viable forms of orthodontic treatment are metal and clear braces in Bethel Park, but which one is the right choice for you? To learn about each procedure and their pros and cons, continue reading.
